Spirited, romantic wedding photography
 for chic, lively, fun-loving couples

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For Photographers

To Chloe on your 7th birthday

It’s that day of the year again, where I get all weepy feeling and nostalgic. Every year I find myself thinking back on how you came into this world. Today, I contemplated why it’s such a big deal to me, even though it’s been seven years now. It’s not because I live in some perpetual past traumatic moment in time, where they had to deliver you three months early at a whopping 2 and a half pounds. It’s because I’m in awe and inspired by you.

I had never heard of, let alone seen a baby so small when you were born. Yet there you were. And from the start, you showed that you were strong; a fighter through and through. It was hard to see you struggle to survive, and yet it was wonderful to, right before my eyes, witness you exceed anyone’s expectations of you, and watch your impressive growth from this fragile, tiny tiny thing, to this baby with signs of cubby cheeks and fat feet. To watch your tubes and cords disappear as you met milestone after milestone, and finally head home to a relieved (and slightly terrified) mommy and daddy.

Now here we are seven years later and you are this loving, sensitive, strong, artistic, happy, stubborn, tomboy, girly girl, whose smile and laugh light up a room, and screams and fits are just as colorful too. A beautiful mix of contradictions, you are somehow both a rule follower, and a rebel; an orange belt in karate, and the gentlest loving friend to any and every animal you meet. Seamlessly transitioning from cautious and thoughtful, to carefree and comedic from moment to moment.

The incubator you lived in has now been replaced with a bed that you share with your pony sized best friend. Your super bald head is now an envious mess of beautiful Shirley Temple curls.The scary sounds of the alarms and beeps of the NICU have been replaced with squeals and screams of delight as you dance, jump and run around the house. Your little crocheted baby hats have been replaced with, well more hats. I guess the comfort and security they provided you has stuck with you subconsciously since I catch you wearing and sleeping in them even in the middle of the summer.

No, I don’t think I’ll ever stop traveling back in time on your birthdays, because the things you’ve accomplished, and taught me about life, God and unconditional love, can only be fully appreciated through the lens of how it all began. A little girl, born too soon, growing all alone in an incubator, who has, at every turn, overcome the odds, blossomed into a strong, loving, hilarious, smart girl who has inspired me to be better, try harder, and love like there is no tomorrow. Happy birthday my love!

Chloe 7 bday

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Every detail of their wedding was soft and romantic, from the soft and airy peach and patina color pallet, to the vintage and personal touches at every turn, their day was as beautiful as Aimee, Erik, and their love.

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